BREATHE DEEP elderflower essence
*invites one to tap into the cyclical nature of life *supports the breath,our first cycle, with inhalation and exhalation *allows for slow, deep, intentional breathing *facilitates in using the breath to detoxify, move stagnant energy, renew and rejuvenate *invigorates the cells, the lungs & the whole body system *bathes one in a rainbow spectrum of light after a deep dive into the dark mystery *lifts heavy emotional states & replaces with peace and optimism *supports in deepening roots connecting to ancestral wisdom *nurtures inner Spring, beginners mind, evolution and growth through practice & repetition *illuminates the way to natural gifts & blessings
.50 oz dropper bottle
Ingredients:sambucus blossom, fresh spring water, organic cane vodka, sunlight, full flower moon healing intentions
*Flower & crystal essences are subtle remedies that support the emotional aspects of oneself. Each flower essence addresses a different aspect of our emotions and offers therapeutic benefits to balance and harmonize the emotional body. Flower essences are gentle and can safely be used by anyone (children, adults, seniors, animals)
*invites one to tap into the cyclical nature of life *supports the breath,our first cycle, with inhalation and exhalation *allows for slow, deep, intentional breathing *facilitates in using the breath to detoxify, move stagnant energy, renew and rejuvenate *invigorates the cells, the lungs & the whole body system *bathes one in a rainbow spectrum of light after a deep dive into the dark mystery *lifts heavy emotional states & replaces with peace and optimism *supports in deepening roots connecting to ancestral wisdom *nurtures inner Spring, beginners mind, evolution and growth through practice & repetition *illuminates the way to natural gifts & blessings
.50 oz dropper bottle
Ingredients:sambucus blossom, fresh spring water, organic cane vodka, sunlight, full flower moon healing intentions
*Flower & crystal essences are subtle remedies that support the emotional aspects of oneself. Each flower essence addresses a different aspect of our emotions and offers therapeutic benefits to balance and harmonize the emotional body. Flower essences are gentle and can safely be used by anyone (children, adults, seniors, animals)
*invites one to tap into the cyclical nature of life *supports the breath,our first cycle, with inhalation and exhalation *allows for slow, deep, intentional breathing *facilitates in using the breath to detoxify, move stagnant energy, renew and rejuvenate *invigorates the cells, the lungs & the whole body system *bathes one in a rainbow spectrum of light after a deep dive into the dark mystery *lifts heavy emotional states & replaces with peace and optimism *supports in deepening roots connecting to ancestral wisdom *nurtures inner Spring, beginners mind, evolution and growth through practice & repetition *illuminates the way to natural gifts & blessings
.50 oz dropper bottle
Ingredients:sambucus blossom, fresh spring water, organic cane vodka, sunlight, full flower moon healing intentions
*Flower & crystal essences are subtle remedies that support the emotional aspects of oneself. Each flower essence addresses a different aspect of our emotions and offers therapeutic benefits to balance and harmonize the emotional body. Flower essences are gentle and can safely be used by anyone (children, adults, seniors, animals)